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Tinnitus is more commonly referred to as ringing in the ears. In some cases it is a red flag for a condition that is more serious, more often than not the noise itself is not serious. There are tons of people that have to deal with the affects of ringing in the ears and it's been around since the time of the Egyptians. Although there has been lots of research conducted, no cure exists. It's a very mysterious ailment that requires consideration of lots of various elements.
The ringing in the ears is typically caused byexposure to loud noises or because of head trauma from blows to the head. There have been numerous famous and influential people that had tinnitus. For example, William Shatner, Beethoven, and Charles Darwin were all known for having tinnitus. It is not an uncommon condition, however there's very little known or comprehended about this disorder. Anxiety is said to be a huge factor in bringing on a flare up. Consuming alcohol, spicy foods, dehydration, and pain medication can also make the noise worsen.
Obviously, staying away from of these triggers could reduce the intensity of the noise. Let's start with anxiety. There are many things you can do to get rid of stress. You could begin by eating at least forty grams of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has chemicals in it that affect your brain. You should also ensure that you exercise daily. Exercise has been proven to help release the stress that has been built up through the strenuous day. You could end your day by drinking a nice warm cup of tea without caffeine.
You should also make sure that you get plenty of sleep and rest. Lack of sleep can wear your body down, and that would cause the ringing to worsen to an intolerable level. Ensuring that your body is hydrated will also help lessen the noise, but you ought to avoid alcohol above all else.
If you are able to stay clear all these triggers, but are still suffering from the irritating noise, try masking your tinnitus. You can turn on a radio and put it in between two stations. This will provide you with a static-like sound. Now, turn the volume down to a low enough setting that just barely audible. That should help you fall asleep at night, which is usually when the noise worsens.
You may also want to find a medical professional that can assist you with retraining therapy. This is just a tactic that teaches you to learn how to live with the tinnitus. Without a cure your tinnitus will not go away.
Every experience with tinnitus is unique, so you'll need to find a solution that works for you. Fixing your lifestyle and utilizing ways to mask the noise are usually effective, but it might not give you the relief that you're searching to find.
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